Geoffrey Chaucer's The Pardoner's Tale
Click here for links to useful websites, published criticism, and other resources:
Links to useful general websites
The place to start: a vast database of literary and humanities-related resources.
A large database on the literature, history and culture of the 19th century.
BBC Radio 4 discussion: explores a topic each week (e.g. Tragedy, The Metaphysical Poets, Elizabethan Revenge); the entire archive is downloadable free via iTunes. An amazing resource.
Six lectures by Oxford University’s Emma Smith, downloadable free via iTunes
Emma Smith focuses on a single play in each lecture, downloadable free via iTunes
A good place to start looking for critical approaches to modern American poetry
An extremely handy way of printing out an individual book of the 1611 King James Bible/ Authorised Version - massively influential on literature in English
Enables word/phrase search in the poetry of Shelley, Coleridge, Keats, Blake, Wordsworth, Hopkins